
  • When my son Asher (who has down syndrome) first started playing flag football at the age of 6, I still had so many questions about his capabilities.I confess, I was pretty skeptical about his ability to play football in particular. The moment I met Coach Gabriel and his amazing team of Volunteers at Game Changers, any fears I had were alayed. Instead, over and over again tears of gratitude, joy and hope have flooded my eyes as I have watched a group of young men and women gently draw Asher in, coach him with kindness, discover and nurture his strengths, and most importantly, cheer for his accomplishments. Since his first season many years ago, Asher has learned so much more about football and his confidence has grown, so has his love for the game. Today, whenever we are asked what Asher loves to do, at the top of that list is... Play football.
    Tammy Gismondi
  • The support, love, and kindness you see at these events is unlike any I have witnessed before. It’s so great to see so many people come out and cheer on these kids, both athletes and mentors alike. Game Changers Idaho shows our community how sports can bring a deeper meaning and connection to one another.
    Brynna Leslie
    Hillside Jr. High PE Teacher
  • I had the opportunity to volunteer with Game Changers while on vacation from Wisconsin. To be honest, I did not know what to expect or where I would even fit in. That feeling quickly subsided as soon as I saw all the smiling faces from staff and participants alike. I was taken in like I was part of the family. A family that prides itself on inclusion and acceptance, even if I was from a different State! Game Changers is just that, a game changer... Not just for the participants, for the the entire community as a whole. One community working together to provide a fun, safe environment for kids of all ABILITIES to participate in a sport that we all love! Idaho was beautiful, but Game Changers was by far the highlight of my trip!
    Jonny Berndt